The citizens’ perspective on parking management in Cyprus.

The citizens’ perspective on parking management in Cyprus.

In October 2022, uPark surveyed 1,000 drivers from Cyprus to understand their perspective on parking management in the country. 

  • 94% of drivers think that public parking can be managed better in Cyprus.
  • Almost 40% admitted parking illegally when they can’t find a convenient legal parking space
  • More than 30% of drivers don’t pay for parking if the only accepted method is cash

According to worldometers, the population of Cyprus today is 1.22 million residents. With a further increase of 10% between 2010 and 2021 alone, the indication is that it will continue to grow. Aside from the excellent living and working conditions, the favorable tax regime and other government schemes have ensured a steady influx of foreign investments and companies choosing Cyprus for their operational headquarters. 

While all these factors benefit the island’s financial system, they bring a growing demand for housing. With an estimated 66,8% of the population residing in the country’s urban areas, such rapid population growth puts a tremendous strain on the infrastructure of key cities on the island. 

Furthermore, according to Statista, the average number of cars per 1,000 residents in Cyprus was estimated at 629 in 2018. Putting the statistics together, this means an estimated 767,380 vehicles in total. With the rapid population growth, the symptoms of inadequate planning can become apparent very quickly. 

While this impacts many city infrastructure areas, we focused more on traffic and parking facilities. To no surprise, the lengthy traffic jams and growing difficulty in finding parking spaces are already a part of our daily lives. This has become a significant headache not only for the residents who live and reside in the island’s urban areas but also for the public authorities responsible for monitoring and managing this situation. 

About the survey

This survey aimed to acquire market data to substantiate the smart parking solution created by uPark and validate the problems it solves in the market. 

To capture and evaluate data and the opinions of resident drivers of Cyprus, we looked into the following:

  • Drivers’ demographic profile 
  • Drivers’ parking behaviour 
  • Parking knowledge 
  • Parking experience 
  • Parking-related preferences

Despite the proximity of amenities and points of interest in Cyprus, the car remains the most popular means of commuting among the residents of Cyprus. 

95.3% of drivers in Cyprus confirmed that they chose a car for traveling purposes on the island. 

This metric is no surprise, given the relatively poor infrastructure in terms of public transport and the lack of supporting infrastructure for greener means of transportation (only 0.4% of responders chose public transport, and 0.3% a bicycle).

Most drivers in Cyprus tend to drive around until they can locate an available parking spot. 

90.2% of respondents admitted that they drive around to find an available parking spot, with the majority (45.2%) spending between 5-10 min to do so. 

From this statistic, we can further derive that a citizen of Cyprus who works in the city and travels to work by car five days a week will lose between 20 and 40 hours annually on average simply searching for parking. 

According to a study done by The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), it is estimated that CO2 emissions could be reduced by as far as 30% by reducing the time spent by drivers during a search for available parking. 

Most Cyprus resident drivers feel that the current provision of public parking spaces is inadequate.

Almost 60% of respondents are unsatisfied with public parking in Cyprus, claiming that:

“People parked everywhere and don’t respect the parking restrictions.”

“Not enough parking areas in the downtown areas or too expensive.” 

“Not monitored, people park wherever they want, not covered.” 

Read the full report to discover:

  • Drivers’ top parking priorities and challenges
  • Their current parking behaviors and preferences
  • And more

How and why should private companies contribute to SDGs?

How and why should private companies contribute to SDGs?

Established as a consensus between 193 countries, the Social Development Goals present an unprecedented opportunity and call for a global collaborative effort to solve some of our time’s most critical and pressing needs by 2030.


What are Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Adopted by the United Nations in 2015, the SDGs represent a global initiative to end poverty, ensure peace and prosperity and protect the planet by 2030.

The SDGs are designed based on decades of research and work and focus on 17 target areas that are integrated to ensure a balance between social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

One hundred ninety-three countries have already joined this global partnership, and the efforts and ambition of this project have already transpired down to multiple public and private organizations and proactive individuals around the globe.

Read the latest Progress Report for 2022.


Why should Private Companies contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Aside from the fact that the successful outcome of this initiative rests solely in our hands, whether you are a public, private organization, or an individual, it also directly impacts private companies’ ability to grow.

The SDGs have the total capacity to affect economic growth, innovation, and sustainable operations in the market. At the same time, they offer business advantages such as new market expansion opportunities, talent attraction, and reduced risk from operations.

Investors are increasingly paying more and more attention to environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks when making investment decisions.

As a private company, you should not only see the commercial aspect as you also have the capacity and responsibility to set an example, influence, and contribute to the global impact and success of this initiative.

Read more about the impact of SDGs on the Private Sector in this report by Ernst & Young.


How can Private Companies contribute to SDGs?

In short, there are three potential ways you can contribute to Sustainable Development Goals as a private company:

· Financial Contribution – A private company can finance projects that focus on sustainable development or partially diversify its existing investment portfolio to support various SDG-orientated projects.

· Expertise – A private company can also contribute to SDGs on a non-financial basis by offering its in-house knowledge and expertise as a form of support to various SDG-focused projects.

· Behavior changes: Lastly, private companies can influence positive change by aligning their strategies with sustainable development objectives and upholding an integrated reporting framework.


About uPark

As a private company ourselves, we recognized and embraced this responsibility. Sustainability is at the core of our vision, and the solution we bring to the Cyprus market is capable of addressing the following SDGs:

We see uPark as a project that will benefit our society and pave the way for a more sustainable future for Cyprus. As a collaborative project and initiative, we welcome your expertise and support in making our vision a reality.

Join us and support the Sustainable Development Goals in Cyprus.